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11711 124th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98034
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Our philosophy is based in our belief that children are competent individuals who can construct their own meaning of their experiences. The teacher’s role is not to provide all the correct answers. Rather, the teacher provides the occasion for discovery and learning.
Our approach is hands-on and multisensory. We recognize that children have a natural curiosity and a predisposition to enjoy the unexpected. Children engage in active exploration and investigation to make sense of their world. We strive to fuel children’s investigative impulses and encourage discovery, promote questioning and challenging of ideas, and formulate connections of experience.
We respect children’s multiple ways of demonstrating their intelligence. Children are encouraged to develop their individual strengths and each child’s unique contribution to their community is appreciated. Strengths are celebrated and valued while opportunities are created to provide exposure to, and enhancement of, other talents and skills. Children will be given the opportunity to express themselves through music, painting, drama, song, movement, and play.
A Child’s Journey School’s program draws from several models of child development including the Reggio Emilia model to create an inclusive, child-led, emergent program steeped in the belief that children are strong, capable, creative thinkers who can explore their ideas in myriad ways. Components which will be incorporated into our program include:
Classrooms that are beautiful, inspirational spaces
Children, family, teachers, parents and community as interactive and collaborative
An awareness and appreciation of the natural world in which the environment is viewed as co-teacher
Opportunities for artistic expression in a variety of media
Documentation of children’s activities and exploration through a portfolio system
11711 124th Ave NE